SHAI Scholarship, Grants, and Loans

All applications for SHAI scholarship must be filed before the end of September

We owe our sincere gratitude to the members of our community who have generously supported the SHAI Educational Scholarship Fund from its inception in 1998. The Fund is the cornerstone of our educational agenda for the future. Although it is a need-based program, the SHAI Educational Scholarship Fund is not a charity. The Fund is an investment in the future of our community. In the long term, we are confident that it will yield real dividends, and by that we are referring to the hundreds of educated young people that will be helped by it.

Quality education is costly, especially for large families, and the cost of tuition is rising each year. The high cost of education puts it out of reach for some students, and makes it an unreasonable hardship for others. An educated mind is the key to a bright future and personal reward. An educated mind is one that is enriched with Jewish learning, a college degree, and maybe even a professional degree. It is our hope that SHAI's scholarship program will give a degree of financial assistance to every student that needs it, so that every family that needs it can have a helping hand in educating their children. The Scholarship Fund has grown significantly with each passing year, enabling our organization to help students of Persian Jewish heritage over the past 10 years. Since its inception, we have awarded $2 Million in scholarship funds to over 1000 students. The Fund is administered under clear guidelines, designed to ensure its integrity, and to yield the maximum benefit to the widest range of students.

  • To begin with, and most significantly, it is an endowment fund, maintained in a segregated risk-free account. Every single penny donated to the Scholarship fund goes directly toward the tuition expenses of the student. Not one penny is used for any other purpose. There are no overhead expenses, and no administrative expenses. All of SHAI's events, mailings, and other expenses are paid for out of a separate account.

  • Scholarship checks are paid directly to the educational institution where the student is currently enrolled, and never to the individual student. Moreover, scholarship awards are capped for each student.

  • Each application is thoroughly screened by a dedicated subcommittee of SHAI's Board. Every applicant, and in some cases the parents of the applicant, must fill out and sign a sworn financial affidavit and disclosure form, and provide requested documentation. This is in compliance with government regulations, and so that we can ensure that scholarship funds are given to students with genuine need. The screening process is conducted under conditions of strict confidentiality and discretion, out of respect for the applicants' privacy.

  • One unique feature of the program is that applicants for a college or graduate school scholarship make an honor agreement to repay the money in the future. It is our belief that in the years to come, a good portion of the monies that have been paid out will be paid back, and in this way, the endowment fund will be constantly replenished. We have already received full repayment from some of our scholarship recipients.

It is said that those who have the means to afford the mitzvah of giving, should give, whether the amount is $100 or $260,000. By donating to this worthy cause, you are investing in the future of the Persian Jewish community, and you are doing it in a manner that benefits us all. When our children finish their studies, and by virtue of their education, they will be able to support their future families and our future community. We urge anyone who has questions about the Scholarship Program, to approach any board member at any time. We will be happy to give you more detailed information about the endowment fund, how it is maintained, how the monies are distributed, and the special donations for Israel. (o date, SHAI has awarded nearly $50,000 in scholarships for needy students in Israel. It is our sincere hope that, with your continued support and generosity, the SHAI Scholarship Fund will be a source of financial support for students in need, for generations to come.

The SHAI Scholarship Committee is extremely discreet and committed to maintaining applicants' confidentiality.For this reason, online/electronic applications are not accepted. Do NOT e-mail your application. Please mail to the PO Box address listed on the application.